Time Line Therapy

Time Line TherapyTM

Time Line TherapyTM practice is a powerful therapeutic process, derived from NLP and hypnosis techniques. It drives personal change by eliminating painful emotions and memories which inhibit our personal development and potential.

Do you say this to yourself?

-  “I’ll never be good enough” 

-  “I’m not the kind of person who can have a great relationship “ 

-  “I don’t deserve an abundant lifestyle “ 

Time Line TherapyTM can help you overcome  these blocks and barriers. 

What is Time Line TherapyTM?

Time Line TherapyTM practice is a powerful therapeutic process that has evolved from NLP and hypnosis. 

It provides one of the most effective techniques for personal change and growth by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions attached to memories or events in the past. Our memories are stored in a linear manner in an internal memory storage system that can be accessed with Time Line TherapyTM. 

Some examples of painful emotions are sadness, anger, fear, regret, hurt, guilt and remorse. 

How does the practice work?

Time Line TherapyTM  uses your own internal timeline by working With your conscious and unconscious mind in a number of ways which include healing emotional traumas and eliminating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours. 

Why is it important to release negative emotions?

Mind - Body medicine and PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) studies explain the effects of unresolved negative emotions and how they affect the physical health and can lead to the development of symptoms and illness in the physical body. 

Why use Time Line TherapyTM?

Time Line TherapyTM allows you to have emotional control over your life. It leaves you  feeling empowered and able to achieve success with new levels of freedom and happiness.

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